Mar 3, 2023


You finally found the perfect used Acura at your local car dealership in Madison, and now you want to ensure the vehicle is adequately protected. Your warranty provides this protection but comes with specific responsibilities, such as keeping up with routine Acura service appointments. Read on for more information about warranty coverage and to find out about Acura service coupons that can help you keep the cost of your vehicle’s upkeep down.

Your Used Acura Suffered Environmental Damage

Protection from your warranty is primarily for factory defects. Your manufacturer’s warranty does not cover additional damage from environmental elements such as fires, floods, earthquakes, or other natural disasters. You should seek auto insurance coverage to help deal with the damages caused by these and other events rather than relying on warranty coverage.

Off-Road or Reckless Driving

Warranty coverage is designed to cover the routine use of your vehicle. However, taking the vehicle off-road or engaging in certain other reckless driving behaviors might void your warranty coverage. Look at the details of your warranty by reading through the agreement. Ensure you avoid any activities that aren’t protected under it if you want to maintain your warranty coverage.

Aftermarket Parts or Modifications

Getting non-manufacturer modifications to your vehicle is one way that will void the warranty coverage in some instances. That’s why your best bet is to go to a trustworthy dealership to get all of your service needs covered without putting your warranty coverage at risk.

You Failed to Keep Up with Scheduled Acura Service Appointments

Your vehicle’s manufacturer backs the dependability of their product with warranty coverage, but that warranty coverage is given under the assumption that you will get your vehicle the necessary maintenance to avoid potential problems. If you fail to keep up with scheduled maintenance, your vehicle may not be eligible for warranty coverage that it would otherwise receive.